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Audition Alert for 2025 Youth Show

The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Audition Dates:

Saturday December 7th 9am-11am

Sunday December 8th 6:30pm-8:30pm

*you only need to attend 1 day

Rehearsals: (begin mid December)

Sundays 2pm-5pm

Mondays 5pm-7pm

Thursdays 6:30pm-8:30pm

*ensemble characters will attend Sunday rehearsals only until mid January. They will then be required to attend every rehearsal.

Show Dates:

Thursday February 6th School Show ~10am

Friday February 7th 7:30pm

Saturday February 8th 2:30pm

Sunday February 9th 2:30pm

Thursday February 13th School Show ~10am

Friday February 14th 7:30pm

Saturday February 15th 2:30pm

Sunday February 16th 2:30pm

For non lead characters and ensemble roles, a memorized monologue is not required.

Lead Character auditions: If you would like to be considered for a lead role, come prepared to recite a memorized monologue. Choose a short monologue (limit to 2 paragraphs) in a style similar to the character you are auditioning for. 

Children 10 and under will be taught a short poem with actions which they will then perform in a group audition. They will also be given the opportunity to perform the poem solo if desired.

Youth 11 and older will be given a short poem/monologue to read at the audition.

Note: The 4 Penvensie children plus the voice of Aslan will be required to perform using a British accent.

In addition to the recital of your poem or monologue, an easy choreographed movement phrase will be taught during the audition and will be performed as a group for the audition panel. 

Youth 11+ will also be asked to participate in cold readings from the script in groups. 

*If you are interested in participating as a backstage crew member, please also come on the day of the audition to meet the stage manager and talk about opportunities. Crew members will initially meet every Sunday 2-5pm until mid January and then will be required to attend every rehearsal.

If you have any questions contact the director, Mandy Masching at

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