Welcome to Attic Productions!
Botetourt County's Community Theater since 1995

Two weeks prior to each reserved seating show volunteers will staff the box office as follows:
Mondays and Wednesdays: 3 pm to 5 pm
Saturdays: 11 am to 1 pm
On show days the box office opens approximately one and a half hours prior to show time. Online tickets will be available until 1 hour before show times. Tickets will still be available in the box office.
• Youth Show - $15 General Admission;
$10 Students/Youth (18 & Under)
• Other Shows - $20; $15 Students/
Youth (18 & under) and Groups*
• Online ticketing available about one
month before opening; Box Office
reservations available about two weeks
before opening
• $2 per ticket convenience fee for
credit/debit card purchases; No fee
for cash/check purchases at the door
*Groups - 10 or more persons not holding season tickets
For general questions about current shows and events, and for ticket reservations
call our box office at 540-473-1001. Please leave a message and a volunteer will call you back.
We value your patronage and look forward to your next visit to The Attic!
Credit/Debit card policy
$2 per ticket convenience fee for using credit/debit cards, beginning in
January, 2023.
You may continue using cash at the door without incurring this fee.